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TrueNorth Producers Featured in Transport Topics

posted by TrueNorth Transportation on Thursday, June 13, 2019

“Transport Topics” is a weekly newspaper covering the trucking and freight transportation industries. A leading industry publication, Transport Topics aspires to be “the premier source of news and information for the U.S. freight transportation industry, with an emphasis on trucking, logistics and intermodal operations.”

Aging Driver Workforce Increases Workers' Compensation Risks for Fleets, Experts Say

TruckerTransportation fleets are experiencing elevated risks associated with workers’ compensation claims due to the aging workforce of their drivers. This is the case even though trucking companies see stable or even lower premiums for workers’ compensation insurance. TrueNorth’s Dan Cook discusses rate reversal for workers’ compensation and commercial auto liability insurance.

  Read More About The Aging Driver Workforce  

Truck Drivers: Employees or Independent Contractors? It Matters for Workers’ Comp

Semi TruckAn increasing challenge for many motor carriers when it comes to workers’ compensation and other insurance coverages is whether truck drivers are classified as employees or independent contractors. TrueNorth’s Chris Gulker outlines the differences in evaluating work injury programs and requirements for independent contractors and employee drivers.

  Read More about Employees or Independent Contractors  

Lines 'Blurred' Between Longhaul, Local Drivers With Reclassified Workers’ Comp Code, Industry Expert Says

Accident Information FormWith recent reclassified workers’ compensation codes by the National Council on Compensation Insurance (NCCI) for motor carriers, long-haul and local drivers employ just one code. TrueNorth’s Dan Cook discusses the NCCI, and what insurers do with that information.

  Read More About LInes 'Blurred'  



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