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Weigh in on Safety Fitness Determination Rule

posted by TrueNorth and TSA (Truckers Service Association) on Thursday, April 7, 2016

We Want Your Comments on the proposed Carrier Safety Fitness Determination rule

This proposed rule would eliminate the current three-tiered system of rating (Satisfactory, Conditional & Unsatisfactory) and replace with a single determination of "fit" or "unfit." Assessments would come from the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) on a monthly basis. The proposed rating determination will be based on roadside inspection data, FMCSA on-site investigations, or a combination of the two. There are fixed failure metrics for each of the seven Behavior Analysis and Safety Improvement Categories (BASICs).

Carriers that FAIL in two or more of the BASIC in a given month will receive the "UNFIT" rating.

BASIC failure can stem from:

  1. On-road safety data exceeding the "absolute" failure standards of a given BASIC
  2. A single acute or critical violation discovered by FMCSA during an investigation
  3. Combination of the two

*"Absolute Failure Standards" - FMCSA has said that the proposed absolute failure standards for each BASIC would differ from the current intervention thresholds in that they would reflect the carriers' own performance against the failure standard and would not be impacted by the other carrier's performance.

We Want to Hear from You!

Iowa Motor Truck Association (IMTA) has been gathering data from members of our industry and will be presenting this information to lawmakers in DC. We're reaching out to you in the hopes that you will share your opinion on this proposed rule.

Access a list of specific talking points you can use in your letter

How to File: 

The Iowa Motor Truck Association is collecting comments from drivers throughout the country and will file and present them to lawmakers on your behalf.  You can submit your comments to the proposed rule using the contact information below:


Fax: 515-244-2204


Iowa Motor Truck Association

717 East Court Avenue 

Des Moines, Iowa 50309

You can also comment on this proposed rule directly at the website. 

TrueNorth Keeps You Safe on the Road

At TrueNorth, our mission is to assist transportation companies and their people with protecting and maximizing assets, resources and opportunities.  Learn how TrueNorth's Transportation Division can help you achieve your goals and provide peace of mind while you're on the road.  Call us today at (800) 877-9637.

  Learn more about TrueNorth Transportation  

TSA: Truckers Service Association

Truckers Service Association is a non-profit organization we work with to deliver specialized benefits and insurance products to owner-operators to optimally protect their businesses and families.  Find out more about TSA by visiting their website,  TSA offers a number of value-added benefits to drivers with membership.  

  Learn more about TSA Benefits and discounts  

About Author

At TrueNorth, our mission is to assist transportation companies and their people with protecting and maximizing assets, resources and opportunities.  Learn how TrueNorth's Transportation Division can help you achieve your goals and provide peace of mind while you're on the road.  Call us today at (800) 877-9637.

  Learn More about TrueNorth Transportation  

TSA: Truckers Service Association

Truckers Service Association is a non-profit organization we work with to deliver specialized benefits and insurance products to owner-operators to optimally protect their businesses and families.  Find out more about TSA by visiting their website, TSA offers a number of value-added benefits to drivers with membership.  

  Learn more about TSA benefits and discounts  

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