What is Medicare Annual Election Period (AEP) and when is it?
Medicare annual election period is the one time of year that you can enroll and/or make changes to your Part D prescription drug plans, or Part C Medicare Advantage plans.
The Medicare annual election period begins on October 15 and must be completed by December 7. Please note that we do not offer every plan available in your area. Any information we provide is limited to those plans we do offer in your area. Please contact Medicare.gov or 1-800-MEDICARE to get information on all your options.
How does the Open Enrollment Process work?
- Prior to the start of the AEP, you should receive an Annual Notice of Change from your insurance carrier explaining any changes to the plan. The AEP is the time to review your prescription coverage and make changes if needed for Prescription Drug plans and Medicare Advantage plans only.
- If not making changes, you do not need to do anything unless you have received notice that the plan is being canceled.
What are my options for Open Enrollment?
Visit www.Medicare.gov to enter prescriptions and your pharmacy and review the available drug plans to see which works best for your information. Any changes must be completed by 12/7 otherwise you will have to wait until the next AEP to make a change. (Reference GBL Medicare.gov document and step-by-step instructions)
SHIIP Office
Local SHIIP offices can assist in picking a plan. Use the following link to find the closest location: https://shiip.iowa.gov/
Personal Consultation (Phone/Zoom Available)
Prescription and pharmacy information needs to be sent at least 48 hours ahead of the appointment. Prescriptions and plans will be reviewed during the appointment and once a plan is picked out if change is needed, it will be enrolled within two business days or 12/7 whichever is sooner and a confirmation will be sent by email or mail as requested.
*If you are not making any changes, you do not need to do anything unless you have received notice that the plan is being canceled.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: How can I reach out if I have questions about my Marketplace plan through TrueNorth?
A: The phone number to reach our Medicare team is (319) 739-1197. Effective October 1, 2022, all calls will be recorded due to governmental regulations. You can also email your TrueNorth team at IndividualBenefits@truenorthcompanies.com.
Q: How do I access the virtual meeting in Zoom?
A: You can click this link to access meeting instructions.
Q: What should I do if I do not have access to a computer to submit my documents online?
A: You can call us at (319) 739-1197 to request that we mail a copy of the forms to you.